How to Install Python on a Raspberry Pi 3

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Python is among the most popular high-end programming languages that allow you to integrate various components effectively. You can also use it for web and internet development, among other applications – evidence of how excellent this programming language is. 

Many users of this language may have the interest to know how to install Python on Raspberry Pi 3. Raspberry Pi 3 is a low-cost single-board computer that is the size of a credit card. This computer has a dedicated following, especially among the DIY’er community, which is always coming up with new projects and innovations. 

Raspberry Pi 3 is easy to use and very economic, some of the reasons behind its popularity. You can use this computer for several projects such as retro gaming development, media center creation, robotics, Minecraft server, and more. 

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Python and Raspberry Pi 3 

Raspberry Pi 3 and Python are very compatible if you have eyes on the next coding task. A point to note is that the Rapsbian operating system relies on this language due to its power and ease of use. 

Talking about ease of use, you can use Python and Raspberry Pi 3 on your next task. Their simplicity is one of the characteristics to enjoy, especially if you are a beginner. 

Most of the time, the Raspberry Pi 3 comes with the module already preinstalled. However, there are times that you need an upgrade or a different version of this language in your system. This calls for its downloading and installation. It may be a difficult process for beginners, but this article comes to your aid if you are in such a position to show you how to go about it. 

Installing Python on Raspberry Pi 3 

Before beginning installation, you should have the following components for effectiveness: 

  • Raspberry Pi 3 
  • Computer peripheral devices such as a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and other necessary components. 
  • Stable internet connection. You can connect via an ethernet cable or a Wi-Fi dongle. 
  • External storage media such as an SD card. Format the media before using it. 

Step 1: Check On the State of Your Operating System 

Before you begin the installation process, you should have the Raspbian OS installed and up to date to support the programming language’s module. You can check on it by reading the contents on the operating system release file. If it is up to date, you are good to go; if not, you have to update it. 

For updates, sufficient storage space and stable internet are must-haves. 

Step 2: Check Your Archives 

At times, if you cannot access the packages, they might be in your archives. You may install them via apt and use the following command prompt:

sudo apt update 

sudo apt install Python 

This is the ideal method of checking and installing your packages, as you can easily upgrade the modules using the sudo apt update and the sudo apt full-upgrade command prompts. 

When checking the archives, look at the prefix to know the version that you have. For example, Python 3 packages will have the Python3- prefix. Uninstallation is also a simple process that you can accomplish with the purge command. 

Step 3: Using the Python Package Index 

At times, there may be no packages in the archives, or those available might be out of date, meaning they won’t serve the intended purpose in your project. In such a case, you can install the modules via the Python Package Index (PyPI) using the pip tool. 

This tool is typically installed by default; however, install it using apt with the following prompt if you cannot get it. 

sudo apt install Python-pip. Pip3 installs Python 3 packages, while pip installs Python 2 packages. To uninstall the modules, you use this command prompt: sudo pip3 uninstall, or sudo pip uninstall for Python 3 and 2 modules, respectively. 

Step 4: Using Piwheels 

Optionally, you can use Piwheels, especially where the modules require a compilation code before their installation. Getting these packs can take a lot of time, especially if you do not have a stable connection. 

Piwheels provides precompiled modules, also known as Python wheels, which are ready for use on Raspberry Pi 3.

Step 5: Confirmation 

You now have to confirm that you have the needed Python packages and that they are working. To check on your packages, go to applications, then utilities, and click terminal. Issue the following command prompt: 


This will show you your default version. If you want to see the package version that you have, for example, if it is Python 2, you can use this prompt:


What to Keep In Mind When Using Raspberry Pi 3 with Python 

Here are things to note when installing the language module on the Pi 3 computer:

  • You should always have the latest version of the Raspbian OS installed. With the latest OS, you can easily download and launch programs. Check on the contents of the OS release file to see the version you have. Run command prompts to update the operating platform when necessary. 
  • Your computer should also have a stable internet connection to install and launch Python packages. The stability ensures you have all the required content of the modules. Also, have sufficient space on your device. 
  • Always confirm that you have the entire package installed by checking on the applications menu. 

Why Choose Python for Raspberry Pi 3 

  • The language is beginner-friendly. 
  • Versatility when you look at its ease of use and development. 
  • It has vast libraries. 
  • It can work with other languages. 


Python is one of the most popular languages in programming, and you can use it in your next task with Raspberry Pi 3. The single-board computer and Python are simple and easy to use, making a suitable partnership for your entry project. 

This article shows you how to install Python on raspberry pi. It is a simple process, starting with checking your operating system’s state and confirming your archives if you have the Python modules. Install its packages and enjoy the new dimensions the programming language and Raspberry Pi 3 will unlock for your new task.