If a person is looking to get into editing and things that are related there are some programs that they will be able to use. They will be able to use the FFMPEG tool and this will allow a person to get into videos. They may not want to add a fancy title screen or user interface. This can be installed on a regular computer and some programs such as Raspberry Pi will make things a little easier.

If a person is able to follow the directions and they take some care they will be able to install the FFMPEG system and will get everything working properly. There are some codes that a person can add that will allow them to install their system easily.
What is FFMPEG?
This is an open project that has a range of libraries. It can work in many different formats. These formats include those that are images, audio, or those that are in a video format. This program can be used with many different systems including the Raspberry Pi system.
Compiling Libraries for Raspberry Pi
There are some libraries that can be included when a person is doing Raspberry Pi. One of the most popular libraries is going to be found in this location. A person will have access to the Fraunhofer FDK AAC library which has many sources of information. This FFMPEG library is found in AAC sound format. The command on Raspberry Pi Sudo apt –y install Autoconf Automake build-essential cmake doxygen git is used to install this program.
Kvazaar Library
This is another library that can be installed using this system. There are some commands that can be used. There are some encoders that can be used. A person will kvazaar and this will allow a person to install it using Raspberry Pi.
This library will allow a person to see video content. They will need to enter a command that will clone this program and this can be done by entering a Google source. The code will run and a person will have access in no time.
This is another popular library that can be added. This library has several processing features. There are some basic features that a person can use if they are just beginning. There are some more in-depth features that they can also use by running another company. This may need to be updated from time to time but there is a lot of useful information.
These are some of the popular libraries that people use in this program. There are many more and a person will be able to have access to all different types of content.
Installing the Support
There are some commands that can be entered into the computer that will allow a person to run the H264 Support that they will need as part of the installation process. They can begin by typing in the cd/usr/ src and then this is followed by the git closure git: git.videolan.org/x264 cd x265. This will then bring a person to the next step of the process and will allow a person to continue.
Installing Libraries
To install anything else on the system to make the process easier things should be done at this time. A person should do it before they finish the installation of the FFMPEG. They can install the MP3 or the AAC at this time before they continue on with this process.
Installing the FFMPEG
A person may need to add another line so they can continue with this installation process. A person will need to enter enabled libx264 and they will need to take some time for this process to work. it may take a long time and a person will need to be slow and patient to allow this system to run.
A person should also pay attention to any Malcshour notes if they are using Model B Plus. They can use the code make –j4 instead of just make alone. This will allow them to access all of the fours at the same time and will make things easier.
Give it a Test
A person will then run a simple test to determine if this was successful and if they were able to get the installation process correctly. To test the installation that a person has just performed, a person will enter a simple command.
They will enter the FFmpeg command. If a person does not have an error message then they will know that the installation was successful. If a person has this tool now they will be able to do more with their current computer system.
Completing the Process
These are some ways that a person will be able to install the FFMPEG system using their Raspberry Pi computer. This will allow a person to get this done and they will do the best for their system and their ability. With this program, a person will be able to do more on the computer.
Putting the Files Together
A person will be able to put all of the information together once they have finished downloading it. They will be able to use all of the features of the FFMPEG on the Raspberry Pi system. This will allow a person to have access to the individual libraries and they will also be able to have access to the extra libraries and their features.
To see all of the information a person may want to run the command omx-rpi and this will allow them to have everything in a place that is easy to access. This process is going to take some time so a person will need to be patient and allow the system to work properly. When this is completed a person should be able to have access to all types of files and information.
This process will allow a person to have additional information on their computer. All they need to do is enter some specific codes and they are ready to do more features on their computer.