Can You Make Clothes with a 3D Printer?

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In today’s modern and digital generation, technology innovations continue to rise. One of these trendy technologies is 3D printing. Before we proceed, let us first know what 3D printing is. 

What is 3D printing? 

3D printing has an essential role in the manufacturing industry. Using the 3D printer, a digital model can be transformed into a physical 3-dimensional object. 3D printing is also termed as additive manufacturing. This technology was first developed way back in 1964 by Arthur C. Clarke.

This technology is useful in different industries like manufacturing dental products, prosthetics, eyewear, movie props, architectural scale models, aviation and more. As technology continues to improve, it is also associated with the fashion industry. Are you curious whether you can make clothes using a 3D printer? Then, read further. 

3D Printing and Apparel Industry 

3D printing has a great contribution to aircraft parts, prosthetic limbs and even in the fashion industry. Can you make clothes with a 3D printer? Yes. It’s as simple as that. Nowadays, fashion designers already exposed clothing and shoes which are manufactured through the 3D printer. Here, a plastic material was deposited layer by layer to make a 3-dimensional structure. 

Meanwhile, you must bear in mind that 3D printing will not replace knitting, weaving as well as other conventional ways of manufacturing clothes. Thus, producing apparel with 3D printing comes with expensive costs.

Furthermore, manufacturing clothes with this more innovative technology is a difficult process. It takes time, effort and money to make 3D-printed fabrics with great durability and soft texture like traditional clothing. 

Demand for digital clothing  

On the other hand, experts visualize the future of customized apparel with 3D printing. With this, people can have digital clothing that perfectly fits their size, taste and standards. There are also more customized patterns and colors to match the needs of the people. 

Many designers already exhibit their work in some fashion events like Danit Peleg. The Tel Aviv-based designer exposes a dress modeled by American snowboarder Amy Purdy during the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro opening ceremony. Many individuals were impressed by the 3D-printed clothing and considered it as part of the continuous digital revolution. 

Before, 3D clothing is made from scratchy plastic, which is a little bit uncomfortable to wear for models. Fortunately, designers develop alternative materials such as FilaFlex, rubbery and flexible material for more comfort and durability. 

Advantages of manufactured clothing with a 3D printer 


With the help of technology innovation, fashion designers already use more innovative and quality material to make it more comfortable to wear. 

Customized design 

Another benefit of 3D-printed clothing is that you can have a more customized design that perfectly matches your taste and needs. Additionally, you can also get the size, pattern, color and style that fits you.


Unlike traditional clothing, the apparel made with a 3D printer can be recycled. Machines can blend the material into powder and use it to print something new. 

Disadvantages of manufactured clothing with a 3D printer 

Now that you have learned about the benefits of 3D printing in the clothing industry, let us know about some of its disadvantages. 

Expensive cost

One of the greatest challenges that 3D printing can face for clothing manufacturing is the high cost. The 3D printers cost a hundred dollars. Well, the manufacturing cost of 3D clothing also comes with a high price tag. So, it can’t replace knitting, weaving and other conventional ways of producing apparel. 

Difficult manufacturing process 

Another drawback of making clothes with the 3D printer is the difficulty in the process of manufacturing. Producing an article of 3D-printed clothing can be time-consuming.

It requires careful attention to detail to make the best quality of it. You also need the skills to prevent mistakes which can be quite disappointing. It is not an affordable way of creating clothes, so you must have focus and perseverance to produce the best quality clothing. 


The materials used in 3D clothing are less comfortable compared to traditional clothing. Usually, plastic materials are used which can be less durable. It means that digital clothing is nice for the modeling industry but not in everyday use. 

On the other hand, some designers are still hoping to improve digital apparel in the next few years. Some companies are also looking forward to manufacturing shoes using a 3D printer. With the rise of technology, many techniques will be developed to improve the materials used for 3D clothing. With that, people can have more convenient and well-designed clothes. 

3D-Printed Clothing, is it a myth or reality? 

Just what we have mentioned earlier, making clothes using a 3D printer is possible. However, several challenges can be confronted in the process of manufacturing. 3D-printed clothing is not a myth. It is a reality. The only problem is that it is not an easy thing like what others might think. 

With the complicated manufacturing process, paying attention to details is essential. It also requires time and effort to produce state of the art masterpiece.

With the help of advanced technology, fashion designers already unveiled impressive apparel that was worn by models in various fashion events. They also use more effective techniques to produce more beautiful designs and excellent quality clothing. 

The production cost is not affordable. It has an expensive cost, which is not advisable for daily use. In the next few years, digital clothing is expected to be more affordable. 

Final Thoughts

Clothing produced through a 3D printer will change the fashion industry. For some fashion designers, technology can be a good way to express their creativity. Some also use digital clothing to introduce their culture by producing national costumes. To sum it up, digital clothing is possible with 3D printers, but there are always limitations in the production process. 

You don’t have to shop for clothing if 3D printing is possible. However, it takes patience, time, and dedication to produce an excellent 3D-printed clothing or shoes. It is also a good way to express your creative ideas when it comes to fashion designing.     

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