The Hand Tools Team

Just a group of DIYers, hobbyists, & enthusiasts who like to build things, take things apart, and just tinker with things in general. Providing tool knowledge, appliance/device testing and repair tips, and DIY project info in an easy-to-read & non-intimidating style.

Best Hot Air Rework & Soldering Station

Best Hot Air Rework & Soldering Station

Are you in need of a new soldering station, one that comes with a soldering iron and a hot air soldering gun? These can be useful for working on wires, phones, computers, and other small electronics.

In this article, we will be reviewing 5 of the best hot air soldering stations that are up to any job you might throw at it.

How To Clean A Soldering Iron

How To Clean A Soldering Iron

To be totally fair, cleaning a soldering iron, as well as maintaining it, is really not all that hard. As long as you perform these regular maintenance tasks every few weeks, or more or less depending on how much you use the soldering iron, you should be able to keep it in top condition for quite some time.