How will you know that the stator has failed? What are the common signs that the stator has failed? And most importantly, how can you test your stator using a multimeter. Stators help start the engine, and if a stator breaks, It is unlikely you’ll be able to start or operate your machine. Read on to have an insight on how to deal with a stator and steps to follow when it comes to testing it with a multimeter, both analog and digital.
Getting to Know the Component
A stator is a motionless part of a rotating system found in an electric generator, electric motors, siren, mud motors, or biological rotors. A multimeter is an electronic measuring instrument that incorporates several measurement functions in one unit.
A standard multimeter is used to measure resistance, current, and voltage. One can use an analog or digital one to test their stator.
There may be a variety of causes when an electric motor fails to start, continually trips its overcurrent device, or runs intermittently. Sometimes the trouble lies within the power supply. In such a case, the multimeter is used to measure the electrical fault in the stator.
Measuring resistance using an analog multimeter
Multimeters are the best in measuring resistance. However, there are a few facts to note when measuring resistance using an analog multimeter. First, the multimeter reacts to the current flowing through the stator under the test. A low current correlates to high resistance. The meter needle settles on the left-hand side of the dial. Higher current correlates to low resistance, and the meter needle moves more to appear on the right-hand side of the dial.
A few steps should be followed. They are:
- Locate the stator
- Plug in the probes into the multimeter’s ports. Mostly the multimeter will have separate ports for the test. Plug in these in the right port. They can be labeled COM, and in others, the ohms signs can be seen.
- Select the required range. Select range in an analog multimeter to obtain the best readings. Normally, the switch is labeled with the maximum readings for resistance.
- Reset the meter. Reset the multimeter to zero reading — short circuit by placing the probes together. The process needs to be repeated if the range is changed.
- Read the measurement on the multimeter. The probes connects to the stator. If necessary, the range can be modified.
- Switch off the multimeter. It is advisable to switch the multimeter function to a higher voltage range once the resistance measurement is highlighted.
Measuring resistance using a digital multimeter
Using a digital multimeter is easy and fast as there is no zeroing the meter as done in an analog multimeter. Here are the steps to follow while measuring resistance using a digital multimeter.
- Identify the stator.
- Plug in the probes in the required ports. There are several ports in the multimeter. They might be labeled COM, and others the ohms sign is visible.
- Switch on the multimeter.
- Choose a range. It is necessary to select the range, and it should be in a way such that the best reading can be obtained. Choose one range where the approximated resistance value is below, but close to the highest range.
- Make the measurement. Apply the probes to the stator that is being measured, and if necessary, the range can be changed.
- Switch off the multimeter. After the measurements are taken, the multimeter should be switched off to save energy. It is advisable to rotate the function switch to a higher voltage range before switching off.
Measuring voltage using an analog multimeter
- Plug in the probes in the negative and positive ports in the multimeter.
- Set the range to read the highest anticipated value that allows a little more as high voltage can destroy the multimeter.
- Make sure the positive attaches to the right lead, which should be positive.
- Probe the point where maximum voltage reaches with the red lead.
- Check that the multimeters’ positive deflection is obtained. To obtain the most accurate readings, adjust the multimeters’ range port to reduce the range until the maximum deflection is read on the multimeter.
- Mark the reading.
- Obtain a second reading or unplug the probes if the test is over.
(It is advisable to reverse the switch for the meter range to the maximum voltage range there is to save the multimeter from damage.)
Measuring voltage using a digital multimeter
- Plug in the probes in the resistance ports on the multimeter
- Switch on the multimeter
- Set the meter range to read the maximum anticipated value. Note that the digital multimeters can operate with both negative and positive values on the probing.
- First probe the low voltage points
- Probe the higher voltage point
- If necessary, adjust the range switch to obtain the best readings
- Mark the reading.
- Make the next reading or turn off the meter if when finished.
Measuring current with an analog multimeter
- Insert probes into voltage sockets on the multimeter.
- Switch the multimeter to measure current
- Enhance the range to get the most accurate reading and later adjust the multimeter to maximum deflection.
- Return the probes back into the voltage measurement ports and turn the range to maximum voltage position before switching off.
Measuring current using a digital multimeter
- Turn on the multimeter
- Insert the probes into the correct connection. In this case, use the resistance sockets.
- Set the meter switch to measure current. Ensure the highest range goes above the anticipated reading. It is advisable to select a high range, to avoid overloading the meter.
To Wrap Up
The significant difference between an analog and digital multimeter is in the display readings. The digital multimeter displays its readings in digits, most of the time on LED or LCD screen. This makes taking the measurements much more accurate. This makes them a better option over the analog multimeter. Hopefully, you will find this article of much help as it has explained how to use both analog multimeter and a digital multimeter in measuring resistance, current, and voltage in a stator.