How to Use The Ender 3 3D Printer

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3D printers are all around the market, and consumers have these printers at home. Why not? Everyone wants to have three-dimensional models of vases, cookware, or even action figures. That in mind leads us to choose an affordable but high-quality 3D printer. 

The question is, what 3D printer can you find that meets your budget? Well, that’s easy! The Ender 3 3D printer is a budget printer for consumers.  Ender 3 is under $200, so that would catch your attention already. But you would love the printer more once you know its features: 

Features of The Ender 3 3D Printer

  • Bowden extruder 
  • V-slot wheels 
  • Extruded aluminum frame 
  • Heated bed 

You can find these features among expensive printers, but these are all in the Ender 3 3D Printer. The printer’s price and features would level up your curiosity to buy and use it. (We’ll talk about how to use the Ender 3 3d printer later.)

Another cool thing about the End 2 printer is that it doesn’t have many downsides when it comes to performance and functionality. Consumers are welcome to upgrade End 3 without any hassle at all. (Take note: the price is still affordable even if you go for an upgrade.) 

If you observe, many people are into 3D printing these days. Homeowners or even hobbyists are using a 3D printer. The End 3 3 Printer is also used by many consumers. But the question people are wondering – is the End 3 printer ideal for most consumers? 

Yes, the End 3 printer is ideal for the following: 

  • Intermediate users
  • Advanced users 
  • Beginners 
  • Students 
  • Teachers 
  • Small business prototyping 

Unlike other 3D printers, anyone can operate the End 3 3D printer. Don’t worry if you don’t have advanced 3D printing and modeling skills because you can still use the End 3 printer. The End 3 is suitable for beginners and advanced printer users. 

Note: the printer doesn’t give you hassle despite its low price, so it’s worth it to use at home or in the office. 

End 3 3D Printer Advantages 

Hobbyists, designers, and printing enthusiasts are careful when it comes to the printer they’re using.  If you’re a beginner in the 3D printing industry, you should do the same. The Ender 3 3D Printer doesn’t disappoint when it comes to its advantages such as the following: 

  • Fast and easy assembly 
  • Excellent printing quality 
  • Large print volume 
  • Prints ABS and PLA 
  • Affordable 

End 3 3D Printer Downsides 

Despite its wide range of features, not all 3D printers are perfect. The End 3 printer also has downsides that you should know before you know how to use the end 3 3d printers. Here are a few of End 3 Printer disadvantages: 

  • No wireless printing 
  • No glass bed feature
  • You would see bed wobble (but in rare cases) 
  • Doesn’t have many test filaments 
  • Control interface grapes 

Now that you have an idea about its advantages and disadvantages, let’s discuss the End 3 3D Printer assembly process. 

Assembly and Setup 

I bet you experienced assembling affordable 3D printers, and I guess it’s a hassle. Say goodbye to that if you’re using the End 3 printer. Unlike other cheap printers in the market, the End 3 printer has an easy assembly process. (Other printers take hours before you assemble it.) 

The End 3 printer would only take you 30 minutes to set it up. The instruction is written in the manual, and it also includes pictures. (The images provide a detailed and accurate way of assembling the printer.)  

Note: the instructions are only 75% complete. You wouldn’t see information about loading the filament or leveling print bed screws. Even so, the entire assembly and setup are easy. 

After the assembly, you’ll be ready to use the End 3 printer. If you don’t know how to use the End 3 printer, follow these simple steps. 


In the leveling process, you don’t need to use bolts and nuts. Turn the large leveling knobs of the End 3 using your fingers. Then, you can level the bed quickly and easily. 

For most people, leveling is their least favorite step in the printing process. Why? The leveling process in some 3D printers is a hassle, but in the End 3 printer, the process is easy. 

Fix the End 3 Printer Wobble 

Is your bed a little wobbly after the leveling process? Don’t worry! You tighten the nuts under the printer until the bed is stable. 

Most consumers experience wobble after assembling the printer. Others think that they need to replace the printer, but it’s not required. The great solution is tightening the eccentric nuts. That’s it! The printer’s bed wouldn’t wobble anymore. 

By the way, the concentric nuts are nuts where you can see an off-center hole. You rotate the nut and the item on the whole. (You refer to this as the wheels stabilizing the Y-axis.) You can move the nut in Y-direction by turning the nut slowly. 

Load the Filament 

Now, you’re ready to load the filament. Select the preheat option in the printer’s menu. Next, you pinch the clamp found on the header. Push the filament until it reaches the Bowden tube. (You would see a little of the filament in the printer’s nozzle.) 

Note: the process isn’t super apparent because most Bowden extruders can activate a feed mechanism using the End 3 printer interface or settings. 

Compared to other affordable printers, Ender 3 is worth the price. Other printers don’t offer many features. The End 3 3D Printer stands out as one of the best 3D printers you can use in the market today. The assembly and setup are fast and hassle-free. 

You don’t need to waste long hours to familiarize the printer parts. End 3 give you a detailed instruction in the manual. The images included in the instruction also help in the comfortable assembly. But remember, not all instructions are written in the manual.  So, you have to consult your friend who owns a 3D printer or an expert to achieve excellent printing qualities. 

If you like how to use the Ender 3 3d printer, you can buy and use this the End 3 today!

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